
Join the Enter to Winter contest!

Join the Enter to Winter contest!

Every $25 spent is a chance to win!


The Enter to Winter contest will run from November 27 – December 21, 2020.


All DrugSmart Rewards Members are eligible to enter the contest. If you are not a member yet, click here to create an account.

How to enter?

Every $25 before tax spent on eligible items in store or with the DrugSmart app is one (1) entry into the Enter to Winter draw.* Multiple entries are allowed and encouraged, e.g. if you spend a total of $100 over the contest period, you will earn four (4) entries.

Which items are ineligible?

Prescriptions, lottery tickets and gift cards are excluded from your total.

What are the prizes?

The grand prizes are three (3) prepaid VISA gift cards worth $500, $300 and $200!
The winners will be announced by social media on Tuesday, December 22, 2020.

Tell your friends and family!


#BeDrugSmart Flyer

Stocking stuffers for everyone on your list!
*No purchase necessary. See store for details.

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